0650721-30110231-DSC_82250650721-30110231-DSC_8225 Welcome to my humble spot on the Internet!


004DSC_9467004DSC_9467 My name is Doreen, DK Images Is my little photography company

with a few of my friends we have been around for 15 years......Lots of experience!

We work as a team to get you amazing images in half the time,

and we're fun to be around!

We call ourselves the CHICKS that CLICK !

0189DSC_18790189DSC_1879 We only except 20 weddings a year

This is what we offer you:


2 Photographers that know all there is to know about Weddings!

Your images are edited to perfection!

Print ready Images full Resolution and copy rights!

Please click on pricing for more info

I'd love to tell you more

Just shoot me an email or give me a call

732 766-2731

[email protected]